Use your keyboard to search and write in arabic letters. Search with google in Arabic.

► What is Arabic Letters-write arabic-إكتب بالأحرف العربية?

This online arabic Keyboard will help you to write in arabic letters and to search in google, bing and youtube at arabic.

If your native language is Arabic or you regularly communicate with individuals who speak the language, you may want to begin typing your content in Arabic letters or alphabet, instead of the standard Language used by most computers. Instead of purchasing expensive software that attempts to convert your typing in arabic letters, you can actually use this online Arabic keyboard to write and search in Arabic alphabet.

► Type in Arabic letters using latein letters or any computer keyboard:

Write Arabic letters online without installing Arabic keyboard. This virtual keyboard allows you to type Arabic letters using any computer keyboard, mouse, or touchscreen.

► search in google at arabic letters:

use the integrated search engine of google in this virtual arabic keyboard and search in google in Arabic with your physical keyboard.

► search in yahoo at arabic letters:

use the integrated search engine of yahoo in this virtual arabic keyboard and search in yahoo in Arabic letters with your physical keyboard.

► search in bing at arabic letters:

use the integrated search engine of bing in this virtual arabic keyboard and search in bing in Arabic letters with your physical keyboard.

► search in youtube at arabic letters:

use the integrated search engine of youtube in this virtual arabic keyboard and search in youtube in Arabic letters with your physical keyboard.

► type in arabic with Yamli without installing Arabic Keyboard:

the Yamli api in the Textarea will help you to type Arabic letters using roman characters. For example you can enter the roman letter "f" for "ف", "k" for "ك" or "ق" etc.. Type it the way you say it. Try it out !

- Write complete sentences:

If you enter with your keyboard as follows: kifkun kif alsaha b5eir.

the words in Arabic translated as follows: كيفكن كيف الصحة بخير

- Optional shortcuts:

ع 3 ق Q/8/9 ا aa/A
ء 2 ك K و oo/w
ح 7/H ط T/6 ي y/ee
خ 5/7'/kh ظ Z/6' ذ DH/dh
غ gh/gu/3' ص S/9 ث TH/th
ض D/9'

- Type a dash ("-") to group words together:

Example: kal-aghani → كالأغاني

- Deactivation of Yamli api:

click with the left mouse button on the icon in the text area and select "Turn Arabic off"

- Activation of Yamli api:

click with the left mouse button on the icon in the text area and select "Turn Arabic on"

► how to use this arabic keyboard layout?

If you want to write across the mouse, move your cursor over the keyboard layout and click the demand letter.Click on the google button and search with the entered arabic text in Google.Click on the Youtube button and search with the entered arabic text in Youtube.Click on the Bing button and search with the entered arabic text in Bing.

► how to use the Google Search Box above?

The Google Search Box above will help you to search in google in arabic with your Keyboard. this will help you to search in arabic in your keyboard Language (English, Latin or other Languages).

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